
安辰生活秉承“低温巴氏,智能生活”的思想,取用100%原乳为原料,以低温巴氏牛乳为产品核心,坚持以0添加 、0防腐 、0增稠为宗旨精心制作“中国好牛奶”。企业相继获得国家HACCPISO质量认证。我们在行业内率先使用全体系以色列进口AfiAct Ⅱ监测系统与AfiFarm 5.2智能管理体系,以确保牧场的各项生产加工环节使用严格的质量标准。我们精心选用荷兰荷斯坦乳牛品种,同时以北美优质牧草HAYDAY FARMS为主要饲料进行喂养,保证了每一滴牛乳的香醇甜美,结合低温巴氏工艺,使得牛乳中乳铁蛋白(Lactoferrin)含量高于常温奶1800倍以上。酸乳中更添加了全球顶级有益菌生产商-加拿大拉曼公司(LALLEMAND INC.)生产的益生菌冻干粉长双歧杆菌(Bifidobacterium longumRosell-175),能够长期稳定地定植于肠道表面从而极大地改善人体微生态循环,提高免疫系统健康。

     此外,安辰生活在2019年精心推出100%鲜果冷压榨橙汁,原料严选法国路易达孚(LDC)全球第三大食品输出商合作,提供巴西鲜橙的优质产区,获得巴西雨林联盟认证农场(Rainforest Alliance CertifiedTM)追溯,同时鲜橙种植被认证为 SAI金标(SAI Platform Gold Grade,从种植源头把控鲜果品质,全程冷压榨,瞬时杀菌,无菌灌装,无任何添加剂,100%原果鲜榨,给您即刻100%新鲜享受。



      By adhering to the idea of low-temperature pasteurization and smart life" , and through adopting of 100% raw milk as material and taking low-temperature pasteurized milk as core products, ANCHEN'S BIOTECHNOLOGY SHANGHAI CO.,LTD. aims to produce The Milk of Chinabased on the purpose of zero additive, zero preservative and zero thickener. The company has successively obtained national HACCP and ISO quality certification. We are one of the first in the industry to use the whole system of Israel import AfiAct II monitoring system and AfiFarm 5.2 intelligent management system Paraller to ensure all the production processing of the pasture are using strict quality standards. We carefully select the Holstein cows of Netherlands, at the same time, mainly feed them with the high-quality HAYDAY FARMS from North America, thus ensure the good quality of every drop of the milk, and by combining with low-temperature pasteurization, it enables the Lactoferrin content 1800 times higher than UHT milk. Moreover, the yogurt is added with the Bifidobacterium longumRosell-175 that produced by CANADA LALLEMAND INC., one of the world's top producers of beneficial bacteria, which can attach steadily to the intestinal surface for a long time, thus improve the microecological circulation of human bodies and improve their immune systemt.


Moreover, Anchen's aunched in 2019 orange juice 100% from fresh oranges, which is made by cold pressing.The oranges as ingredient for the juice are from France LDC, which is the global third food export partner.The high-quality product supply area provides Brazil fresh oranges, and it is an approved farm of Rainforest Alliance Certified, which can be traceable.Its fresh oranges plant are certified as SAI Platform Gold Grade. This shows that Anchen's controls the juice's quality from its raw material. Made by cold pressing,sterilized at instant,aseptic filling,no additive at all and 100% from fresh oranges.You will enjoy it at your first sip. 


As a science and technology dairy company with deep Internet intelligence gene, ANCHEN'S BIOTECHNOLOGY SHANGHAI CO.,LTD.is always adhere to people-oriented and focus on scientific and technological research and development. Through the deep cooperation with ANCHENS DAIRY AND NUTRITION CANADA INC., it obtained  continuous and accurate technical and management input, and implemented the 24-hour operation, low-temperature storage, dat acquisition, backstage monitoring, cloud computing storage and analysis of consumption habits etc. through the self-developed " ANCHEN'S Internet intelligent vending machine", and innovatively bring a good offline experience of community intelligence for customers, as well as continues to arrange various high-end business locations, famous brand real estate communities and boutique chain supermarkets etc. in Nangjing and Shanghai. Through overall linkage of intelligent online experiences, booking, College, transaction, offline distribution, service, return visit, public praise and other links, it achieves the real sense of zero kilometer radius membership service of the community.

low-temperature pasteurization and smart life" , ANCHEN'S will help you live well.